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Showing posts from April, 2011

Matlab and MySQL

I had a lot of data in a MySQL database that I wanted to analyze. I had a copy of Matlab, so I figured the best way to look at this all would be to plot this data and use some GUI elements to go through various combinations. After some Googling, I found this database connector that seemed to do the trick. I downloaded the files, configured mex to use MSVC 2008, built the connector, then I was able to successfully connect over the network! I ran into two problems, though: The connector does not support fetching columns of type TIMESTAMP, and With the magnitude of data (about 180k rows), access times were really slow. I was able to solve problem #1 by changing my columns to DATETIME, which was supported. I'm still trying to figure out problem #2. It may come down to importing all the data directly into Matlab.

C++ and its major Boost

C++ has some major shortcomings. The STL doesn't include a hash map using custom keys, its string to number converters make it hard to detect errors, and there just seem to be so many languages that are bundled with better standard libraries (look at Java and its support for Time/Date, atomic type conversion). However, I am a huge fan of C++. I like the fact that there are unsigned types (unlike Java), type safety makes code less error prone (unlike python, ruby, and perl), it is polymorphic and inheritable (unlike C), its reference types provide speed, and it is ported more often to embedded platforms than any other language besides maybe C. So, how are these strengths leveraged by overcoming the obvious weaknesses? Enter Boost . It has solutions for many of the shortcomings of C++ and some very useful utilities as well. In a recent development project, I used Boost as a supplement to C++ within the Windows environment because I wasn't sold on the .NET framework, and I wante

Android Platform Setup - somewhat circuitous, but still easy

It's been a while since I have had to seriously use Java in a development application, but now that I plan to develop apps on my Atrix, I'm going to have to get back into it. I just installed my Android environment on my Windows 7 laptop. The instructions from the Android website were somewhat difficult to follow given the number of utilities required and the order in which they ought to be installed. To save time from having to piece together to components in the right order from the Android site, here's what I did: 1. Downloaded and installed JDK (Java SE) 6 update 24 64-bit. 2. Downloaded and installed the Android SDK (installer_r10-windows.exe) from the Android website. 3. Under the Android SDK Manager, selected SDK Platform Android 2.2 (since this is what my Atrix has) and downloaded/installed. 4. Downloaded and extracted Eclipse Classic v3.6.2 ( 5. Started Eclipse Classic, went to Help -> Install new software, and just followed