I was interested in hosting a small portfolio of applications in AWS, but I wanted to keep costs down. I was willing to maybe host about $30-$40 a month of servers just to showcase some of the applications I was putting together. Here's what I came up with. The basic capabilities here were: serve up about 6-10 applications that would require some level of web application hosting, database, file storage for larger items, and possibly queuing or email schedule jobs to run periodically to either scrape websites for new data or access APIs regularly These were the services in mind, all out of US-East-1 (Virginia): EC2 instances are pretty cheap. You can run a t3a.nano for about $3.38 a month, or a t3a.micro for about double that for $6.77. The more things can run on one of these instances, the better. Lambdas also don't really add up to much if they are scheduled jobs that do not consume large amounts of memory or computing. The cost of a Lambda run as part of an API gateway
Dedicated to full stack software development in the cloud.